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‘Listen Hear!’ at the Sarasota Art Museum: Is Music Finite or Infinite?

The Listen Hear series returns to explore improvised music, a mysterious intersection of creation and interpretation. Michelle Ross, an alumna of the Perlman Music Program, discusses the creative process, including her library of personal voice memos and galleries of her own manuscripts. In this recreation of her workspace, the salon features premieres of new works that Ross will improvise for all to enjoy.

Performers: Michelle Ross (violin)

For more information about the Sarasota Art Museum, please visit

Ticketing: CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TICKETS ($40 Museum Members/$55 Non-Yet Museum Members)

Program: Improvisations and music by Michelle Ross to be announced from the stage

December 17

'Listen Hear!’ at the Sarasota Art Museum: Folk Music Inspirations

February 26

Chamber Music: Lyrica Chamber Music Series